Wednesday, September 8, 2010

HTML Basics for the Expert Author

Discover just how easy it is to give your articles a professional, easy-to-read appearance and enhanced functionality using HTML tags.

In an ideal world, our articles would be appreciated on the merits of their content alone. Readers would be so anxious to read what we have to say, and so enthralled by how we say it, that we’d never have to “dress up” our work simply to ensure it gets read in the first place. Every word of every sentence would transfer to the reader with crystal clarity and there would never be a need to click away blindly in search of pertinent information.

Unfortunately, article writing and marketing is not an ideal world. In this less-than-ideal world, the harsh reality is that you have only seconds to make a good initial impression and a few minutes (at best) to maintain the reader’s interest. At the same time, you need to avoid any hint of confusion or ambiguity that might cause them to scamper off to the next URL.

Fortunately for us, and our readers, there’s a way to make this harsh reality a little less … um, harsh. The key is HTML tags.

In the following video, I’m going to help you understand not only how to add HTML tags to improve the appearance, clarity and functionality of your article, but also why things like bold, italics, lists and links are so vitally important to the overall success of your articles.

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